Senator Mittens Spills The Beans: Sending $69 BILLION to Ukraine is “The Most Important Vote” of His Life

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In what I’m sure he thought was a rousing speech delivered at the Senate, Democrat-Running-As-A-Republican-Senator and form Democrat-Running-As-A-Republican-President Mitt Romney layed out the argument for sending MORE money to Ukraine:

He OPENS by saying it’s “the most important vote we will every take [sic] as United States Senators.”

He then says that if we don’t:

  • Putin will invade a NATO nation (There is NO evidence of this being his intention, and Putin even stated to the contrary in his interview with Tucker Carlson)
  • China will invade Taiwan (Far more likely, but I fail to see how not giving BILLIONS to Ukraine will prevent this – if anything, it makes it more likely as we’re weaker…
  • We’ll show that America “Can’t Be Trusted.”
  • NATO will faulter and disintegrate.
  • America will cease to be the “Arsenal of democracy” We’ll be replaced by authoritarians (China, N. Korea)
  • We’ll be known as “The Worst Generation,” contra “the Best Generation.”

He then “dismantles” the arguments against sending money to Ukraine through a litany of what is functionally: “Nuh-uh!”

These are NOT serious people, and rest assured, “foreign aid’ is a euphemism most of the time for “money laundering” and “hiding war crimes.”

Senator Mittens Spills The Beans: Sending $69 BILLION to Ukraine is “The Most Important Vote” of His Life - The Gadsden Herald
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