Lab in China sequenced and uploaded COVID-19 to US database on Dec 28th 2019.

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Revelations in Pandemic Origins: Unearthing Early COVID-19 Sequencing and Oversight in Research Funding

Introduction: Recent disclosures have shed new light on the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, raising critical questions about the initial response and management of the outbreak. Two notable articles from The Daily Sceptic and The Epoch Times provide insights into the sequencing of the COVID-19 virus by a Chinese lab weeks before Beijing disclosed the data and the implications of U.S. funding in Chinese research, particularly gain-of-function studies.

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Key Revelations and Implications:

  1. Early Sequencing of COVID-19:
    • A China-based researcher, Ren Lili, affiliated with the New York nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, sequenced the COVID-19 virus and uploaded the data to a U.S. government genetic database on December 28, 2019. This action was taken weeks before the Chinese government officially disclosed the genetic makeup of the virus to the World Health Organization on January 12, 2020. The Chinese authorities initially characterized the disease as an unknown pneumonia and restricted health workers from disseminating any information about it.
  2. Communication and Response Delays:
    • The National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) GenBank found Ms. Ren’s submission incomplete and lacking necessary details for publication, leading to its eventual removal from the database. This delay in communication and the subsequent two-week lag in official disclosure by the Chinese government may have significantly impacted the global response to the emerging pandemic.
  3. U.S. Funding of Chinese Research:
    • Senator Roger Marshall’s call for a halt in gain-of-function research and funding for Chinese studies highlights concerns about the intertwining of the scientific community in China with the military and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Gain-of-function research, which involves enhancing the transmissibility of viruses, raises fears of its potential misuse, particularly in light of the pandemic’s origins and the handling of crucial data.
  4. Lab Leak Theory and Investigation:
    • Increasing evidence supports the theory that COVID-19 may have originated from a lab in Wuhan. This hypothesis, once dismissed as a conspiracy theory, has gained traction with statements from prominent figures like Dr. Francis Collins, former director of the NIH, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The Chinese regime’s reluctance to provide concrete evidence and the removal of DNA sequences from laboratory banks further fuel speculation about the virus’s origins.
  5. Transparency and Oversight:
    • The revelations call into question the transparency of the CCP regarding the pandemic’s early stages and highlight the need for greater oversight in international research funding. The EcoHealth Alliance’s role in funneling taxpayer money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a lab at the center of the COVID-19 origin investigations, underscores the complexities and potential risks of global scientific collaboration.

Conclusion: The uncovering of early COVID-19 sequencing by a Chinese lab and the subsequent management of this information by both Chinese authorities and international repositories like GenBank reveal critical gaps in the global health response system. Combined with concerns over U.S. funding for potentially risky research in China, these developments underscore the need for increased transparency, rigorous scientific oversight, and a reevaluation of collaborative research practices. As investigations continue, these revelations will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping future policies and responses to global health crises.

Lab in China sequenced and uploaded COVID-19 to US database on Dec 28th 2019. - The Gadsden Herald
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