PsyOP 101: Patriot Front

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“The Dubious Reality Behind ‘Patriot Front’: Unmasking a Suspected Psy-Op”

In the ever-evolving landscape of American politics, one group stands out for its questionable tactics and murky origins: ‘Patriot Front.’ Recent events and in-depth investigations suggest that this group might be more than it seems, potentially a federal operation designed to entrap and discredit genuine conservative movements.

Much like the infamous ‘Whitmer Kidnapping’ plot, which turned out to involve a disproportionate number of federal agents compared to actual civilians, ‘Patriot Front’s activities seem to follow a similar pattern. This group’s sudden appearance, complete with bland, unoriginal slogans like “Life, Liberty, Victory,” and “Reclaim America,” raises red flags. Their messaging lacks the depth and authenticity one would expect from a grassroots movement.

One of the most LAUGHABLE psy-ops (Psychological Operations) in recent years is Patriot Front, and according to @Amuse and others, they’re out in NYC today, trying to “recruit…”

Similar to the entrapment scheme that lead to the dreaded “Whitmer Kidnapping” plot that involved something like a 4:1 Fed to civilian ratio (and mostly targeted poor guys living in the basement of a vacuum repair shop or something…)

2020 was a year that saw the normalization of mask-wearing due to the pandemic, a trend exploited by groups like Antifa to conduct destructive protests under the guise of anonymity. Interestingly, while most MAGA supporters rejected the mask mandates, often rightfully questioning their efficacy, ‘Patriot Front’ members have been consistently seen wearing masks, an anomaly in conservative circles.

Or this:

Undercover FBI Agents Helped Autistic Teen Plan Trip to Join ISIS (

So seeing them in the wild is what you’d expect.

The January 6th Capitol event highlighted this dichotomy even more. It became evident that the individuals instigating violence were primarily clad in black and masks, a stark contrast to the typical MAGA supporter. These were agitators, not genuine protesters, aiming to incite chaos and provide justification for heavy-handed government responses.

‘Patriot Front’ seems to be part of this pattern of provocation. Their operations, often too perfectly staged, seem designed to lure in unsuspecting patriots and create a narrative convenient for those who wish to label conservative movements as extremist. This tactic of entrapment, reminiscent of the Cold War-era KGB tactics, aims to criminalize dissenting voices and label them as ‘thought-criminals.’

The glaring inconsistencies in ‘Patriot Front’s actions and their suspiciously low profile in the mainstream media only add to the speculation. They act more like characters in a poorly scripted play than genuine activists. Their operations seem to be aimed not at creating real change but at discrediting the very ideals they pretend to uphold.

In conclusion, ‘Patriot Front,’ with its questionable actions and obscure motives, appears to be a poorly executed psychological operation, possibly a federal one, aimed at discrediting legitimate conservative movements. As vigilant citizens, it’s crucial to stay aware and question the authenticity of such groups that mysteriously emerge and operate in ways that align a little too conveniently with the narratives pushed by those opposing conservative values.

More video from today:

They want “Life, Liberty, Victory,” and to “Reclaim America.” Those are such BLAND talking points.

2020 was a weird year. The pandemic made wearing a mask “normalized” – and black block Antifa used this to carry out BILLIONS of dollars in damages during their firey but mostly peaceful protests of the Martyr St. George of Fentanyl.

The one group who shied away from masks: MAGA Patriots. They didn’t buy the masks helped “slow the spread” narrative (for which they’ve been vindicated).

And at the J6 protest, the people causing trouble were almost entirely those in black-block and masks (other than Ray Epps, but that’s another story)

Those were agitators and provocateurs, meant to rile up the crowd and instigate the Fedsurrection.

This is not the first time we’ve seen them, either. Looks like the feds are pretty commonly trying to entrap people – trying to bate patriots into doing ANYTHING (breaking a window, or, you know, walking through statuary hall and obeying the velvet ropes) that can allow the US KGB to arrest the dissident, deplorable thought-criminals.

EVERYONE sees through these bozos in Patriot Front.

The best argument that these guys are FEDS might simply be this:

Ian Miles Chong with an interesting observation, too…

I’m note sure if they’re BLANK, or just somehow digitally obscured…

Can you guess why THIS is trending on X right now:

MORE reactions, Kyle Becker 100% Knocks it out of the park:

Rogan O’handly puts it well in two tweets:

Yeah…definitely NOT feds…

Here’s a great deep dive. One of my favorite takeaways happens in the first few minutes: for a bunch of supposed white supremacists, they sure have very few (exposed) tattoos.

PsyOP 101: Patriot Front - The Gadsden Herald
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