Justin Mohn Is Not A Well Individual

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So why even bring him up?

Because narrative happens fast, and “a lie is halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.”

This unwell individual called for “Revolution against the ‘Biden regime'”:

He then spouted on for 14 minutes after showing his father’s severed head with a manifesto of sorts.

He had a clear messiah complex, even though he says he’s not the messiah…and people have labled him “Schitzophrenic.”

And of course, he was known to the FBI.

I’ve watched the video, and I present to you the sanitized video:

I took the time to make that available because his “manifesto” that he reads sure feels…on the nose… it’s oddly timed for a variety of reasons:

However, schizo though he seems, MOST of his “demands” sound like they’re taken RIGHT off the pages of Patriots.win – meaning they’re common sense demands about legitimate, safe elections, safe borders, pushing back against wokeness and violent groups like Antifa and BLM… and that’s what makes it sound like a PSY-OP.

He was also know to the The Hacker Known As 4Chan as a nutter: /pol/ – Politically Incorrect » Thread #434409880 (4plebs.org)

Here’s a video from his YT channel from 4 years ago… this may be legit MKUltra.


Oddly, he created a PLAYLIST of… “songs” that are 4 2 years old just three days ago.
Wonky Honky (youtube.com)

Make of that what you will.

Justin Mohn Is Not A Well Individual - The Gadsden Herald
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