A Short History of the Calls To Assassinate President Trump

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The powers that be are trying to both NORMALIZE the concept, and trigger one of the addle-brained followers to DO the act. And it’s NOT okay.

The other day Stutter McSoros called for the assassination of Donald Trump.

Laura Loomer did a pretty good job opening this up:

But this made me think about all of the NUTJOBS that have called for the assassination of President Trump THROUGHOUT his presidency and candidacy.

Let’s hear how unhinged these people are.

Rick Wilson, founder of the Lincoln Project, called for someone to put a bullet in him on MSNBC:

Famously, deranged and unfunny Kathy Griffin tweeted a photo of herself holding the severed head of Donald Trump:

Johnny Depp asked when the last time an actor shot an president was (referencing Democrat Actor John Wilkes Booth’s assassination of Republican President Abraham Lincoln:

At least he PREFACED it that he was not at all serious…so that makes it okay… right?

Or Madonna dreaming of BLOWING UP the White House?

Or Shakespeare in the Park repeatedly stabbing an Effigy of Trump, night after night:

The violent left (I mean fiery, but mostly peaceful left…) has been painting this man as Orange Hitler for years.

Maxine Waters called to “Take Out Trump”

Meanwhile, the news Mockingbird Media has done NOTHING but warn how BAD, how DIRE, how DaNgErOuS To OuR dEmOcRaCy a 2nd Trump term would be:

Robert Kagan warned he’d be a dictator: Opinion | Would Trump be a dictator? And can he be stopped? – The Washington Post

Et tu, NYT: Opinion | The Greatest Threat Posed by Trump – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

And the Atlantic: A Warning About a Second Trump Term – The Atlantic

Repeatedly. The Danger Ahead – The Atlantic

In fact, HOLY CRAP a lot… If Trump Wins – The Atlantic

And this seeps into the minds of many people. The addled brains of the average, neck-beard over at reddit, for instance:

They are trying to make sure that SOMEONE tries to take him out.

I remember when Barack Obama was elected in 2008… I commented out loud that I feared the damage that he’d do to our country (particularly since he took the house and senate, too) – but I feared also what I assumed would be the inevitable attempt on his life. That attempt never came – I simply feared that latent racism would rear its ugly head.

And it didn’t.

But now I fear it will.

The Drum Beat is constant. Deafening. Nauseating.

They want him dead.

“Trump is Caesar!”

“Trump is Hitler!”

“Trump is WORSE than Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!”

And the weak brained mouth-breathers buy it, becaues the TV said so.

You know, THIS TV:

All this for a man who didn’t start a single war…who brought economic prosperity the likes of which we’ve never seen – EVEN in the midst of an unprecedented “pandemic”.

And I think he MUST know this is a real possibility. There is no way he couldn’t know that.

All he needs to do is stop running. All he needs to do is renounce any claim to be the president. Then he could retire in peace. All of the charges against him – 91 charges and counting, and over 700 years in prison – would almost certainly just disappear.

He could retire to a beach with his actual supermodel wife, relax somewhere and play golf at one of his golf courses every single day, dote on his children, start a new tv show, and point up remembered more fondly after a few years soothed these wounds.

But he won’t. And he shouldn’t.

And that’s why I support him 100%. And so should you.

A Short History of the Calls To Assassinate President Trump - The Gadsden Herald
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