Avoiding Indoctrination

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Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, recently has been going on a bit of a book tour talking about his new book, Indoctrination. It’s kind of the “Sequel” to Matthias Desmet’s Mass Formation Psychosis concept, but taken to an entire other level, arguing that the SPIKE PROTEIN (the damaging part of Covid, but worse, THE POINT of the mRNA Injection – to make Spike Protein INDEFINITELY) works to functionally damage the hippocampus, and that this was a KNOWN effect that was disregarded to make sure as many people as possible took this shot.

This is all unfolded in his book: The Indoctrinated Brain:

I heard about it first on The Highwire:

He was on Bannon’s War Room (this is a shorter one, only about 13 minutes, as opposed to the video above and below that are both 1+ hr long)

And just today on Dr. Drew:

We already know of a TON of damages follow in the wake of this UNTESTED, “Emergency Use Authorized” genetic therapy (the biggest stain on Trump’s Presidency by far).

In fact, there was an ENTHRALLING congressional hearing (a part 2, really to the part one from November) that layed out just SOME of the harms that we KNOW. THIS is worth your time, too:

Anyway, this is a rabbit hole worth wandering down.

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Avoiding Indoctrination - The Gadsden Herald
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