Mitch McConnell’s Intricate Part in the January 6th Psy-Op

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If you don’t know anything about the January 6th Protests and what they were FOR (or you believe that they were about something they were not, like “overturning the election”), then this is a great place to start to disabuse yourself of that Kool-aid you’ve been drinking.

Once again, Mr. Reagan knocks it out of the park in a short, pithy video that functionally SUMS UP the Jan 6 Narrative while focusing on “Cocaine Mitch.”

If you – at this point – DON’T know what happened on January 6th, this is a WONDERFUL, SHORT primer on what the protestors wanted, and why those in power wanted to do ANYTHING they could to prevent them from achieving their goal, and even WANTED to leverage this “Peaceful and patriotic” display (that yours truly planned to go to, but was prevented by the need to care for his Wife who had cancer)

January 6th WAS an insurrection! It just wasn’t the one they keep telling you about – you know, grandma’s walking through Statuary Hall, respecting the velvet ropes…

No – this was the Deep State NEEDING to stop people from looking at the OBVIOUSLY questionable votes for all like one week, and simultaneously using this as a cudgle to – ideally – keep Trump out of office permanently via disqualification. In fact, Mitch says EXACTLY THAT!

Mr. Reagan takes the great work by Julie Kelly (and a few others) and weaves it into a compelling narrative that is worth your time. Just watch the video, but here’s some of the highlights.

What was the January 6th “Ask” What was it all about?

On January 6th, the role of the House and Senate was to “receive the votes,” but many Republicans had vowed to request an “audit commission” be formed to handle the fact that MULTIPLE states had sent alternate slates of delegates (not an uncommon process in itself – happens nearly EVERY election).

This would NOT have “given the vote to Donald Trump.” Instead, it would have guaranteed 2 hours of televised hearings on the floor, broadcast via CSPAN etc, investigating these claims of fraud (of which there were MANY – HOURS of testimony in MULTIPLE states had already been given).

And it is THIS that those who were pulling the string didn’t want to have happen. THIS is how you know that this 1) wasn’t an insurrection by the people, and 2) WAS a fedsurrection by those trying to stop this narrative from gaining any more steam.

Remember – if elections ARE stolen, then that is functionally treason, which is a capital offense.

These people, if caught, could face the death penalty – so they’ll fight like their life is on the line.

And I’m sure some of them probably do think Trump is “Orange Hitler”… and I can understand the mindset that says “If I’d be willing to ASSASSINATE The Real Hitler, surely I’d be willing to ‘fudge a few vote records’ to prevent his rise to power…” The weak-minded were fed that narrative for YEARS about Trump.

So Mitch – who along with Pelosi and Bowser refused national guard troop both before Jan 6, and then ONCE the “festivities” were underway – argues on the floor of the senate that:

“We’re debating a step that has never been taken in American history – whether congress could overrule the voters and overturn a presidential election… this will be the most important vote I have ever cast… the assertions range from specific local allegations, to constitutional arguments, to sweeping conspiracy theories.”

Mitch McConnell, Jan 6

Pay attention, because:


That’s how you know that they’re liars. You can’t be this incompetent. He’s swapping a false straw man (“they want me to OVERTURN THE VOTERS WILL”) for the truth (“They want me to make sure the voter’s will has NOT BEEN OVERTURNED through fraud, as many STATES are claiming”)

He notes that “this election wasn’t unusually close” when judged by the electoral college, while “missing the point” (on purpose) that it is precisely the case that there were MORE than enough challenges in each of those states – states that all uniformly stopped counting at around 10pm when Trump was WELL in the lead, saying they’d not resume until the morning, and then all uniformly resumed counting surreptitiously in the middle of the night, resulting in massive shifts towards Candidate Biden.

If you need a refresher ^^^

Congress was NOT being asked to “OVERRIDE the voters.” Congress was being asked to make sure that WASN’T happening, by simply WAITING A BIT to be sure. That’s all. That was the whole ask:

That is why people were making their voices “peacefully and patriotically” making their voices heard.

This is how you know they’re corrupt. They did NOT want to get to the truth. They wanted people to shut up and just get in line.

This was the BEST chance to be rid of Trump, and they were EXCITED:

“I feel exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally, totally discredited himself,” McConnell told Jonathan Martin, one of the authors of a new book called “This Will Not Pass,” when asked about his feelings on the violence and the rioters.

Trump, the Kentucky Republican said, “was pretty thoroughly discredited by this.”

“He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger,” he said, standing in a doorway of the Capitol after midnight. “Couldn’t have happened at a better time.”

‘Exhilarated’ McConnell said Jan. 6 ‘discredited’ Trump, book says – The Washington Post

Mr. Reagan then jumps over to a piece at the Conservative Treehouse that discusses the Fedsurrection and how it solved so many problems: Fedsurrection Anniversary Day – They Needed an Emergency Session – The Last Refuge (

On the solemn third anniversary of what the mainstream media has dubiously christened the “Capitol Riot,” it’s high time we peel back the layers of deception and confront the orchestrated spectacle—aptly termed the “Fedsurrection” by those of us who refuse to swallow the narrative wholesale. This day marks not just a moment of reflection but a clarion call to all true patriots who see through the smokescreen laid down by the FBI and their cohorts in the deep state.

Let’s cut to the chase: January 6, 2021, wasn’t just a spontaneous outpouring of concern by Americans worried about the integrity of their vote; it was, as increasingly evident, a setup. The discovery of pipe bombs in DC on that fateful day now appears not as random acts of violence but as a calculated move—an insurance policy, if you will—crafted by those intent on derailing President Trump’s challenge to the 2020 election results. The aim? To ensure an emergency session that would circumvent any real examination of the election’s legitimacy. In essence, they sought to hijack our democratic process, denying us our right to question, to challenge, and to demand transparency.

And who stood to benefit from this orchestrated chaos? None other than the architects of the greatest election heist in American history. By creating a crisis, they managed to silence the voices of millions who dared to question the 2020 election’s integrity. This wasn’t just an attack on a building; it was an assault on the very foundation of our Republic. Through cunning manipulation and exploitation of the events of January 6, the deep state, with Pelosi at the helm and Pence as her unwitting or complicit pawn, effectively muzzled any legislative attempt to address the glaring irregularities and allegations of fraud that marred the election.

In their rush to certify the election results under the guise of an “emergency,” they trampled upon our constitutional rights, sidelining due process and dismissing the legitimate concerns of half the nation. The real insurrection wasn’t the breach of the Capitol; it was the blatant usurpation of power by those who fear nothing more than the will of the American people. As patriots, we must continue to seek the truth, to peel away the lies and expose the corruption that seeks to undermine our democracy. January 6 should be remembered not as the day democracy was endangered by its citizens but as the day it was betrayed by its so-called guardians.

One of the KEY takeaways from the piece, though, was this from the series of “Q&A” style responses in the middle, which stated that the “rules” for congress go out the window when a few, certain criteria are met. One of those criteria would be an “emergency” that forces the congressmen to retreat.

How do you prevent congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes?

A: It requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency” …An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.

FACTS: Remember carefully, focus please. Just moments, literally 3 minutes before two representatives issued a vote for motions to suspend the certification, the House members were “informed” by capitol police and other “agents” that a protest was about to breach the chambers. It was at this time that key people: Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Mcconnell can be seen being walked out and escorted from the chamber. This effectively halted the Entire Chamber Process.

That was the plan on Jan 6. To Stop the Stop. To Delay the Delay. Because they did NOT want to look at the evidence.

And then… they reconvened once everyone had gone home and the cameras were off.

But lawmakers vowed to finish what they had started, and the Senate reconvened just after 8 p.m. ET Wednesday, nearly six hours after it abruptly recessed.

To those who wreaked havoc in our Capitol today, you did not win,” Pence said as the Senate session resumed following the evacuations of the complex. “As we reconvene in this chamber, the world will again witness the resilience and strength of our democracy, even in the wake of unprecedented violence and vandalism in this Capitol.”

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has pushed back against Trump’s effort to use the joint session to overturn the election results, said that Congress has “faced down much greater threats than the unhinged crowd we saw today.”

“They tried to disrupt our democracy. They failed,” the Kentucky Republican said.

2020 election: Congress completes electoral count, finalizing Biden’s win after violent delay from pro-Trump mob | CNN Politics

Pence and McConnell both lied here. That’s how you know they’re complicit.

The Conservative Treehouse Article ends with this image which, to be fair, is from the Friends of Ireland Luncheon in March of 2020.

This, however, was not:

1 Comments Text
  • It’s years past time to overthrow the corrupt U.S. federal government and restore the federal government in strict compliance with the Constitution as intended by the Founders.

  • Mitch McConnell’s Intricate Part in the January 6th Psy-Op - The Gadsden Herald
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