Unveiling the Plot: Matt Taibbi’s Deep Dive into Efforts to Thwart Trump’s 2024 Bid

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That Awkward Moment When “OuR dEmOcRaCy” is a Threat to Our Republic.

Journalist Matt Taibbi, who was once popular with the progressive left and is now an independent investigative journalist, has focused on what he sees as a deliberate attempt to stop Donald J. Trump from being re-elected in the 2024 Presidential Election. Taibbi’s recent exposé on his Racket News website, consisting of a comprehensive 4,200-word article, has stirred the political waters, prompting a critical examination of the current state of American democracy: Is the Electoral Fix Already In? – by Matt Taibbi (racket.news)

In the realm of investigative journalism, Taibbi has made a name for himself as a formidable critic of the corporate media and political establishments, transcending party lines. His work on the “Twitter Files,” alongside fellow journalist Michael Shellenberger, has revealed unsettling instances of federal government involvement in online censorship, touching on sensitive topics such as pandemic lockdown policies and the contentious 2020 election.

Taibbi’s latest piece shines a light on what he describes as an apparent strategy by leading Democrats to secure President Biden’s tenure in the White House post-2024 by any means necessary. This strategy, as Taibbi reports, includes a series of legal maneuvers aiming to remove Trump from the ballot in various states and ensure Biden faces no significant primary threat. The latter, according to Taibbi’s sources, has been achieved by intimidating potential rivals.

Simultaneously, Taibbi points out a coordinated media campaign portraying Trump as a “dictator” and an “existential threat to democracy.” This narrative, echoed across mainstream media platforms, raises the specter of Trump utilizing military power to target personal adversaries, painting a grim picture of the future should Trump reclaim the presidency.

Taibbi draws parallels between current efforts and past initiatives, notably the activities of the Transition Integrity Project (TIP). This group, comprising influential figures from Democrat circles and some anti-Trump conservatives, convened prior to the 2020 election to simulate contested election scenarios. While the group professed concern over Trump’s potential refusal to cede power, Taibbi interprets the TIP’s activities as a mirror to the tactics now employed against Trump. Allegations that Trump would weaponize the Department of Justice or intelligence agencies against opponents eerily reflect the strategies used by the Clinton campaign and Democrat establishment during the 2016 election cycle, most infamously with the Steele Dossier.

The TIP’s projections, including scenarios where Trump labels Biden supporters as “insurrectionists,” have seen an ironic reversal, with the current administration labeling Trump supporters with the same term and making “protecting democracy” a centerpiece of their 2024 campaign narrative.

Taibbi doesn’t shy away from voicing his concerns, suggesting that the current trajectory of the 2024 campaign indicates a belief among Democrats that preemptive, extreme measures are necessary to avert a so-called Trump dictatorship. He challenges the public to recognize the potential manipulation of their perceptions of Trump, comparing the current narrative to historical instances of political deception used to justify contentious actions, such as the invasion of Iraq.

In a subsequent article, Taibbi extends his critique to the broader tactics of the Democrat establishment, likening their current approach to their 2004 efforts against third-party candidate Ralph Nader. He portrays these actions as part of a long-standing willingness by Democrat elites to use legal maneuvers, or “lawfare,” to maintain political control, even if it means subverting democratic processes. By sidelining candidates and canceling primaries, as seen in New Hampshire and Florida, Taibbi argues that Democrats are denying voters their fundamental right to choose their leaders.

This view of democracy, as Taibbi presents it, is not as a cherished principle but as an obstacle to be circumvented by the Washington political class. He describes a track record of actions by this elite that, in his view, have led to global upheaval, economic distress, and societal discontent, yet they remain indignant at the prospect of having to genuinely earn the public’s votes.

The crux of Taibbi’s argument is that the victory of Donald Trump in 2016 represented a significant disruption to this established order, a disruption that those in power are desperate to prevent from happening again in 2024. Through his reporting, Taibbi seeks to expose these machinations, positing that bringing them to light is a vital step in counteracting them.

In essence, Taibbi’s pieces paint a picture of a political battle not merely for the presidency but for the soul of American democracy. He raises a poignant question: will the 2024 election be a genuine reflection of the people’s will, or will it be shaped by backstage legal strategies and media narratives? For supporters of Trump and those who champion a fair and transparent democratic process, Taibbi’s reporting serves as a clarion call to remain vigilant, to question prevailing narratives, and to ensure that every vote and voice is counted and respected in the ultimate pursuit of a government truly by and for the people.

A summary of Taibbi’s article can also be found at “Twitter Files” Reporter Matt Taibbi Uncovers Plot to Stop Trump, Democracy Be Damned (amac.us)

Unveiling the Plot: Matt Taibbi’s Deep Dive into Efforts to Thwart Trump’s 2024 Bid - The Gadsden Herald
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