Crime IS The New Gucci: What Jeff DeWitt & Kari Lake Show Us About Deep State Corruption

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For years now I have been a big fan of Mr. Reagan, the youtube persona of Chris Kohls. He is an actor turned political commentator, and I find that when he takes the time to put together a video he usually goes deeper than you imagined the video is going to go and pulls out some rather interesting insights. He is also connected with some other people that I know are pretty well politically connected, most particularly Sebastian Gorka (who another Attorney-turned-political-commentator I highly respect – Robert Barnes – describes as a “War Whore,” but who I’ve nevertheless often been more in favor of than against). Those connections may give him a bit of a keen insight into the political realm that others simply may miss.

Anyway, we’ve already discussed the Kari Lake bribery tape at some length, and how it shows the corruption is on both sides of the aisle (and helps explain how Kari could be polling well ahead of Katie Hobbs, and then “lose” in “a series of unfortunate events.”

9 out of 10 polls put Lake as the winner

This same Katie Hobbs who seemed to tear a page out of the Biden Campaign Playbook, drawing huge rallies of tens and tens of people 🙄),

and who was polling significantly behind Lake, but who could nevertheless “pull out a win” after overseeing her own election* that was fraught with “oopsies” that disenfranchised Republicans. But I digress, THIS post isn’t about litigating the Lake/Hobbs race per se.

Anyway, Mr. Reagan just put out HIS piece on the Lake Bribery scandal. I’ll post it below, as it’s worth your time, but I’ll hit the high points:

The initial takeaway is what you would expect, it is amazing that she was able to get this recorded. Apparently DeWitt had said he needed to come over and talk to her off the record and that set off at least yellow flag signals for her so she quickly set things up so that she could record it not knowing if she was about to be threatened. When it was over, she reported that she had been bribed publicly and people disbelieved her but she sat on the tape and eventually forgot that she had recorded it as life got in the way and she travels an awful lot in part as a surrogate for President Trump (his most popular one).

Anyway, DeWitt is trying to dissuade Lake from running for senator, after she just “lost” the aforementioned bid for governor. At no time during the call does he mentioned the fact that she recently lost her election bid because deep down I think he knows that she won it. No, the powers that be know that they had to cheat in new and unique ways to get Katie Hobbs and Adrian Fontes over the line in AZ in ’22, so rather than have to do that all over again to claim these senatorship in Arizona, they would much rather have her “pause” her campaign for just a couple of years while they pay her a very cushy salary.

If you’ve heard the recording, you know obviously Lake says no to these offers. One of the most important takeaways is just the fact that people on the right are willing to bribe in order to get the political arrangements they want, and in this case they are clearly trying to take an incredibly popular and surging candidate out of the race. Lake repeatedly asks why don’t they just get behind her since they know she’s a winning candidate, and DeWitt just keeps asking if there is a number or a counteroffer she could give.

When Kari Lake remembered the recording, she played it for her daughter who urged her to make it public, which is ultimately what she did last week.

This is where Mr. Reagan’s insights come in and shift things a little bit.

  1. He comments that DeWitt should go into some kind of protective custody, because he’s a loose end (but it’s hard to know who you could even trust if the corruption goes “all the way down.” (or “all the way up”).
  2. He mentions that we all know there are these “house of cards” corruption schemes in politics, where everyone has dirt on everyone, so you have ‘mutually assured destruction” should someone “break ranks” (he shot a video on this, too). Look no further than ‘ol Jeffrey who didn’t kill himself.
  3. He then asks “Why do the rich feel the need to be this corrupt?” Around 18:30 he dives further into this, and his theory is fascinating: CRIME is the new Gucci.

In a world we’re nearly anybody can afford a Gucci bag or Prada shoes etc, expressing ones status via purchased commodities just doesn’t cut it for the global elites. And so what they have been doing for quite some time is showing who could do the most crime publicly and get away with it. Being above the law is the new status.

Whether it’s insider stock trading, like what Nancy Pelosi did, or blatant bribes which her mob boss father received that the people who paid the bribes all went to prison for but for which he remained untouchable; or whether it’s getting the prosecutor who is investigating the Ukrainian natural gas company that your and who has no experience in this industry sits on the board of; (or perhaps just getting the entire world to take an experimental mRNA vaccination that clearly seems to cause death, and profit all the time)…

… Honestly I think this insight is a very useful lens for understanding why the most powerful do some of the things that they do. It helps to find a unique narrative that would make your clandestine meetings and secret societies all makes sense. It even helps to reframe and elucidate what could potentially be the rumored “pizzagate” allegations.

Watch the video and let me know what you think.

But all of this of course makes a silly assumption that there even ARE people in power – unelected people (or people who can get themselves elected) that would want to suppress the bulk of the plebs they look down on and rule.

And that’s just silly, right?

Oh look.

Epilogue Notes:

*Lake had called on then SOS Hobbs to recuse herself from overseeing her own election, but Hobbs did not.

Not only that, but other shenanigans were afoot even before the mis-matched ballots that were 20″ printed on 19″ ballots:

Crime IS The New Gucci: What Jeff DeWitt & Kari Lake Show Us About Deep State Corruption - The Gadsden Herald
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