DELUSIONAL: Nikki Haley & MSNBC Make The Case That TRUMP Is The DC Establishment Politician

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Yesterday 2 simultaneously stunning revelations came to light. The first was that we know that politics was shady and done with bribes in back offices, but we got one of the first recorded bits of proof courtesy of the woman who should have been the governor of Arizona and who’s currently running for senator of that state: Kari Lake.

We also got to see how intensely the double think works, when simultaneously multiple efforts were made to get non republicans to vote in the republican primary in New Hampshire so as to secure a win for Nikki Haley70% of her GOP voters weren’t GOP.

And after she lost? She literally tried to explain that ThE PoWeRfuL eLiTe in Washington DC FEAR HER!

So are we supposed to assume…that the DC establishemnt…pulled out all the stops to get NON GOP VOTERS to vote for Haley…because…they’re all huge TRUMP fans? Please!

And, she wasn’t the only one making this claim! “Donald Trump is the Party of the Elite! He’s the Party of Washington DC” MSNBC wanted you to believe!

They say this with a straight face, even as Joy Reid says that the Dark Money HAS to back Nikki because… reasons…

DELUSIONAL: Nikki Haley & MSNBC Make The Case That TRUMP Is The DC Establishment Politician - The Gadsden Herald
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