The AZ Smoking Gun from 2020: 25% of all Mail-in-Ballots Don’t Match Signature

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The completion of the Arizona audit brought to light startling revelations about the 2020 election process, particularly concerning mail-in ballots. A significant finding from the audit points to an alarming issue in Maricopa County, where a substantial number of mail-in ballots lacked proper signature verification. This discovery raises serious questions about the integrity of the election process and the role of officials like Katie Hobbs, who was in a position of authority during this period.

The Audit’s Findings in Detail

The audit, a comprehensive review of the 2020 election in Arizona, particularly scrutinized the handling of mail-in ballots. The findings are alarming: approximately 25% of all mail-in ballots, totaling 420,987 out of 1.9 million, were found to have no signature match in Maricopa County alone. This discrepancy casts doubt on the reliability and security of the mail-in voting process, a method that saw a significant uptick in usage due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Role of Katie Hobbs

Katie Hobbs, who served as the Secretary of State during the 2020 election, has come under scrutiny following these revelations. Critics argue that under her watch, the election process in Arizona, particularly in Maricopa County, was fraught with lapses in standard procedures, notably in signature verification. The lack of signature matching on such a large scale of mail-in ballots is seen as a major oversight, if not a deliberate act, compromising the election’s integrity.

Implications for the 2022 Election

The findings of the Arizona audit are not just a reflection of past irregularities but also serve as a warning for future elections, including the 2022 election. The audit suggests that the practices and oversights of 2020 could potentially be repeated, affecting the outcome of subsequent elections. It highlights the need for stringent measures and reforms in the mail-in voting process to ensure fair and transparent elections.

The Significance of Signature Verification

Signature verification is a critical component of the mail-in voting system, serving as a safeguard against fraud and ballot tampering. The apparent failure to properly match signatures in a significant portion of mail-in ballots undermines this crucial security measure. This lapse points to either systemic incompetence or potential misconduct in the handling of these ballots.

Calls for Accountability and Reform

In light of these findings, there are growing calls for accountability from election officials, including Katie Hobbs. Election integrity activists and concerned citizens are demanding answers and actions to address these irregularities. There is a strong push for comprehensive electoral reforms to prevent the recurrence of such issues in future elections.


The Arizona audit has shed light on a critical issue in the mail-in voting process during the 2020 election. The lack of proper signature verification on a large number of ballots raises serious concerns about election integrity and the role of key officials in upholding electoral standards. As the state gears up for future elections, ensuring the reliability and security of the voting process remains paramount. This situation serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and accountability in safeguarding the democratic process.

Oh, how ’bout Georgia, too:

The AZ Smoking Gun from 2020: 25% of all Mail-in-Ballots Don’t Match Signature - The Gadsden Herald
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