WEF & The New World Order

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“We’re between orders right now…”

They are saying the quiet part out loud. Peter sweden shared an amazing clip from the current world economic forum of these unelected talking heads telling you exactly what they’ve been planning and literally telling us that they consider us to be between an old order and a new world order.

But of course we already knew that they were planning a new world order, and they were planning to have it in place within the next six years, the big global reset which is a part of their agenda 2030.

This is stuff that even a couple years ago, slightly before covid, felt like absolute tinfoil hat conspiracy nonsense, even though they were talking openly about it even then. From Alex Jones and the Bilderberg group to Glenn Beck and Agenda 21 – fascinated by this stuff but it seemed so far away and so distant and so far fetched that it would never really come about…

And now it’s coming about.

WEF & The New World Order - The Gadsden Herald
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