Art dealer told Congress that Joe Biden called and met him while he sold Hunter Biden’s paintings

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Over at Just The News, John Solomon George Berges, the art dealer who sold Hunter Biden’s paintings, told Congress that President Joe Biden had both called and met with him at the White House while he was involved in selling Hunter’s artwork. This testimony appears to contradict the White House’s narrative about the sales.

Key points from the article include:

  1. Hunter Biden’s Awareness of Buyers: Berges claimed that Hunter Biden likely knew the identity of about 70% of the buyers of his art, many of whom were Democrat donors. This contrasts with the White House’s claim that Hunter was unaware of who purchased his art as per an ethics agreement.
  2. Initial Contract with Hunter Biden: In Hunter’s first contract with Berges, there was a clause allowing him to know the buyers’ identities. This was unusual, as typically artists are not informed about who buys their art. This clause was not included in a subsequent contract.
  3. Joe Biden’s Involvement: Berges testified that he had both spoken on the phone with President Biden and met him in person at the White House during Hunter’s daughter’s wedding.
  4. End of Professional Relationship: Berges also mentioned that he no longer represents Hunter Biden for art sales, having ended their commercial relationship about four months prior to his testimony.
  5. Other Buyers: The article names some buyers of Hunter Biden’s art, including Hollywood lawyer and Democrat donor Kevin Morris, and Elizabeth Naftali, a Biden appointee to a federal commission.
  6. No Communication with the White House About Ethics Agreement: Berges stated that he had not communicated with the White House about any ethics agreement concerning the art sales, which was surprising to him given the public statements by the White House on the matter.

This testimony is part of the larger context of inquiries and discussions about the ethical implications of Hunter Biden’s art sales and the involvement of his father, President Joe Biden.

The sale of his art has generated over $1.5 Million, mostly from two donors, says Rep Jim Jordan:

And the Washington Times reports that most of that artwork was purchased by…you guessed it… Joe Biden’s Donors:

Joe Biden donors made up most of Hunter’s art sales, witness says (

In totally UNRELATED Hunter news:

Art dealer told Congress that Joe Biden called and met him while he sold Hunter Biden’s paintings - The Gadsden Herald
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